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Check Out Our Students’ Reflections On Our Annual Mississippi Freedom Trip

Check out these reflections our students wrote just after their successful and exciting trips doing oral history fieldwork in the Mississippi Delta as part of our Mississippi Freedom Project! The Mississippi Freedom Project (MFP) is an award-winning archive of 200+ oral history interviews conducted with veterans of the civil rights movement and notable residents of […]

SPOHP-ed Written by Mississippi Freedom Trip Researchers Published in the Gainesville Sun

Marcela Murillo and Chad Chavira participated in our 10th Annual Mississippi Freedom Project trip last month. Check out their op-ed, “Effects of Till’s Murder Still Felt Today,” through which they reflect on their experiences in the Mississippi Delta. Co-writing credits to UF students Nicole Yapp and Toni-Lee Maitland: Marcela Murillo and Chad Chavira: Effects of […]

UF students travel to interview veterans of 1964 Freedom Summer

“UF students travel to interview veterans of 1964 Freedom Summer,” by Jeff Schweers, The Gainesville Sun, June 27, 2014. The Samuel Proctor Oral History Program returned to the Mississippi Delta and traveled to Natchez for the 50th anniversary reunion of Freedom Summer with the Sunflower County Civil Rights Organization June 23-29, 2014. Students and staff conducted 35+ […]

Mississippi Summer of 1964: A Santa Clara County judge recalls voting rights struggle

“Mississippi Summer of 1964: A Santa Clara County judge recalls voting rights struggle,” San Jose Mercury News, by Len Edwards, June 19, 2014. In the summer of 1964, Len Edwards, then a law student at the University of Chicago, traveled to Mississippi to participate in voter registration efforts in the Delta area. He lived in Ruleville next […]

Mississippi Freedom Project Interviews to be Available on UFDC for MLK Celebration, Freedom Summer Anniversary

Gainesville, FL— On January 22, 2014, George A. Smathers Libraries and the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program will release the first round in a series of oral history interviews with civil rights veterans of the Mississippi freedom movement for UF’s week of celebration surrounding Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. The collection, “The Mississippi Freedom Project,” […]

Recap: Reflections from the Oral History Association 47th Annual Conference in Oklahoma City, OK

From October 9-13, the Oral History Association hosted its 47th annual conference in Oklahoma City, OK. The conference featured presentations from researchers from around the world, including members of the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program, Dr. Paul Ortiz, Joanna Joseph, and Graduate Coordinators Jessica Taylor, Justin Dunnavant,  and Ryan Morini. Justin Dunnavant The Oral History conference gave […] UF Oral History Program Digs Deep in the Delta

“UF Oral History Program Digs Deep in the Delta” from the Groundswell Blog, October 4, 2013. Groundswell: Oral History for Social Change is a dynamic, active network of oral historians, activists, cultural workers, community organizers, and documentary artists who are using oral history and narrative in creative, effective and ethical ways to support movement building […]

Sept. 17-22, The 6th Annual Mississippi Freedom Project Tour and Speaker Series

Gainesville, FL—During the week of September 17 through September 22, the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program (SPOHP) at UF will return to the Mississippi Delta to continue research on the civil rights movement in Mississippi with veteran civil rights activists and leading scholars of the Mississippi campaign for equal rights. SPOHP will bring a research […]

Freedom Summer Oral History and Library Curation Project at UF Begins to Process Interviews


Gainesville, FL, August 15, 2013—George A. Smathers Libraries approved a mini-grant proposal to transcribe the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program (SPOHP)’s Mississippi Freedom Project collection. The collection features in-depth oral history interviews with leaders and activists involved in the civil rights movement in Mississippi. The completion of this project is timed to coincide with the […]

Tananarive Due’s parents left her civil rights lessons

Tananarive Due, daughter of civil rights activists Patricia Stephens Due and John Due, remembers the March on Washington from her parents’ stories. USA Today interviewed Tananarive about the event on August 19. Patricia Stephens Due, together with her husband John Due, presented a public program “An Evening with the Dues: Pioneers in the Civil Rights […]