University of Florida Homepage

Establishing an Oral History Project

The Samuel Proctor Oral History Program offers workshops in oral history practice, methodology and fieldwork for community groups, academic institutions, and other organizations interested in beginning oral history projects. Introduction to Oral History from Dr. Paul Ortiz Dr. Paul Ortiz, director of the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program, prepared the following outlines to conducting successful […]

Oral History Academic Internship Program

The Samuel Proctor Oral History Program at the University of Florida offers semester-long academic internships, available to graduate and undergraduate students for 3 credit hours, which serve as an introduction to the field of oral history. Intern duties include learning oral history methodology and field research techniques, including conducting, transcribing, and audit-editing interviews. In addition to […]

Community Partners

We work by the motto, “One Community, Many Voices.” Our program is driven by the support of our growing community in Gainesville, as well as statewide in Florida and around the United States. Thanks to our many sponsors and research allies! To access oral history interviews, podcasts, documentaries, and research media made possible by partnership with these […]

Oral History Degree: 4+1 BA/MA

The UF History Department and SPOHP announce a new combined Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Program in oral history, now open to students for admittance. Open to students working in any field of modern history, the program is designed to train students in oral history practice to make history accessible to a broad audience and connect scholars and departments […]

The Julian Pleasants Travel Award

On a bi-yearly basis, the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program grants a researcher with the Julian Pleasants Travel Award, designed to promote cutting edge oral history research at the University of Florida and recognize innovative scholarship. The award was created in honor of Dr. Julian Pleasants, Director Emeritus of the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program […]

University Scholars

The University Scholars Program at the University of Florida introduces undergraduate students at the University of Florida to the exciting world of academic research.  In the program, students work one-on-one with UF faculty on selected research projects, taking away an understanding of and appreciation for the scholarly method. To contact scholars about their work and inquire […]

Robert and Gay Zieger Social Justice Scholarship Fund

  Dr. Robert Zieger (1938-2013), Distinguished Professor of History Emeritus at the University of Florida, was one of the preeminent labor historians of the United States. Bob was a spirited and highly esteemed historian and two-time recipient of the Philip Taft Labor History Book Award who introduced countless scholars, students, union members, and community organizers […]

Anti-Racist Resources

African American History at the University of Florida and Beyond The University of Florida’s African and Native American History Task Force was created by President Kent Fuchs in the wake of the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin on May 25, 2020. Floyd’s death, and the killing of emergency room medical […]

David Chalmers Library

UF History Emeritus Professor David Chalmers, a noted historian of the Ku Klux Klan and Southern History, recently gave to SPOHP a remarkable collection of primary source documents and books from his personal library, including original editions of Stetson Kennedy, Thomas Dixon, and Albion Tourgee. The Primary Source Collection follows the ebb and flow of hate […]