Sandy Burnett, who has volunteered for the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program for over a year, was initially recruited by Veterans History Project Coordinator Ann Smith to assist SPOHP’s Digital Humanities Coordinator Deborah Hendrix with a variety of clerical activities: labeling DVD’s, archival storage, mailing oral histories to interviewees, adding to deed of gifts, etc. Whatever Deborah is working on or identifies as a priority project, Sandy is always happy to help out!
Sandy is a registered nurse at UF Health in the perioperative area. She prepares patients for surgery, assists with recovery and discharges patients home. Her specialty is ophthalmology and she helps train doctors and nurses around the world.
For 2 1/2 years, Sandy worked on board the Orbis DC8, a flying eye hospital equipped with an operating room. Her work was recently featured in Shands HealthCare’s newsletter (PDF). Later this February, she is off to Fiji for a month of operating-room training at the Pacific Eye Institute. She has also recently taken up playing the ukulele and can be found performing at Satchel’s Open Mike Night in Gainesville.
We all appreciate Sandy’s generosity and dedication to the archival mission of SPOHP. Her work assisting Deborah’s priorities for the collection support discoverability of both physical cassette and born-digital interviews.
Please join us in thanking Sandy for her outstanding volunteer service to the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program!