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SPOHP Volunteer Program

SPOHP’s work is supported by our volunteers and community partners. We are always looking for dedicated and energetic volunteers!

SPOHP Volunteer Application (PDF)

Opportunities in Oral History

The Samuel Proctor Oral History Program at the University of Florida is dedicated to providing public history support as a research center for students, faculty, and community members. Volunteers contribute several hours each week to program collections, working on individual goals to learn new skills in a guided and supportive environment.

SPOHP is a resource base for volunteers interacting with history materials in a variety of different ways, including transcribing, audio logging, and conducting oral history interviews for local and national archives; applying cutting-edge digital humanities technology; developing original projects and producing high-quality research; and contributing to vibrant public history discourse with over 50 participating staff, student interns, faculty, and community volunteers focused on local community initiatives and social justice in Gainesville and the Southeast.

Handbook: Download the SPOHP Volunteer Application (PDF) and contact project coordinators directly to inquire about relevant opportunities. Review the Volunteer Handbook (PDF) for more details.

We accept volunteers at the beginning of each academic semester, and request a minimum time commitment of 4 hours per week. Opportunities currently available on all four of SPOHP’s major projects working with:

  • Archival processing Process official materials for the Library of Congress, UF Digital Collections, & more
  • Collection discoverability Improve audio and visual digital humanities accessibility in over 150+ collections
  • Original fieldwork Contribute your own independent research and histories with guided support
  • Public engagement Book talks from local researchers, lunch with visiting scholars, and evening public programs are open to SPOHP’ers at UF and in the community

Volunteers from previous semesters

Thank you, volunteers, for all your hard work!

For additional information, contact SPOHP, call the offices at (352) 392-7168, and connect with us online today.