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Call for Applications

Samuel Proctor Oral History Program at the University of Florida announces the 2021

Julian Pleasants Oral History Travel Award

UPDATED Deadline for Application: April 5, 2021

In 2008, The Samuel Proctor Oral History Program (SPOHP) created this award in honor of longtime Proctor Program director Julian M. Pleasants. Dr. Pleasants taught at the University of Florida for thirty-seven years. Professor Pleasants was an award-winning teacher, scholar and the author of numerous works including the path-breaking Seminole Voices: Reflections on Their Changing Society, 1970-2000 based on oral histories conducted by the Proctor Program.

This award is designed for applicants whose oral history work would benefit from access to the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program’s 8,000+ archive of interviews in the University of Florida Digital Collections housed at George A. Smathers Libraries,

Preference will be given to applicants working in one or more of the following areas:  African American history, Native American History, Women’s History, Latinx Studies, labor, military veterans, social movements or environmental studies. The Pleasants Award comes with a $2,000 dollar stipend, and research guidance into SPOHP’s oral history collections. Applicants are encouraged to conduct their research remotely during the Global Pandemic.

About the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program

Founded by Dr. Samuel Proctor, SPOHP has served as the oral history program at UF Since 1967. The Doris Duke Charitable Trust’s 2020 external review of SPOHP noted, “The program’s social justice research methodologies are the focus of scholars and oral history programs across the globe.” The Proctor Program offers oral history workshops, seminars, symposia and supports fieldwork on five different continents. SPOHP’s major collections, housed at George A. Smathers Libraries, include the Joel Buchanan Archive of African American Oral History, the Women’s March on Washington Archive, Native Peoples of the Americas, the History of the Jewish Community in El Salvador, the Mississippi Delta Freedom Project and many other.

Procedures for Application

Applicants should provide: (1) a brief letter of intent describing their research as well as the product(s) they intend to create out of it (museum exhibit; book; dissertation; community-based oral history project, article, etc.); (2) a current CV or resume; (3) the time period in which they intend to use UF’s collections. Applications will be reviewed by a panel composed of archivists and historians at the University of Florida.

To be considered for the Julian Pleasants Travel Award, applicants must submit their materials by April 5, 2021. To apply click below.

Apply for the Julian Pleasants Award