In April 2014, UF’s Institute of Hispanic/Latino Cultures awarded SPOHP “Best Cultural Event” at the annual Noche de Gala ceremony for production of the documentary, “Siempre Adelante: A Look at Faith and the Immigrant Struggle.”
The Institute of Hispanic/Latino Cultures advocates on behalf of Hispanic Latina/o populations and offers support to the University of Florida and the Gainesville community through various programs, resources, and networking opportunities in order to help facilitate cultural awareness, social justice, and empowerment.
The documentary “Siempre Adelante,” produced by SPOHP Technology Coordinator Deborah Hendrix and Sebastian X. Muñoz-Medina. The film sheds light on the immigrant community of Alachua County and the daily struggles they encounter, aiming to inspire audiences to participate in the movement for immigrant rights and to inform the Gainesville community of the struggle that occurs so close to home.
For more information about this collection, visit the Latina/o Diaspora in the Americas Project.