Welcoming Gainesville is partnering with the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program at UF to offer academic internships in using history to inform the creation of programs aimed at combating prejudice, building a climate of welcome and support for immigrants, refugees, and international students, and helping them integrate into the local community.
Interns will work directly with the Welcoming Gainesville board of directors in planning and organizing events and projects in August-Decemeber 2017. Interns may also assist in grant writing. In addition, an intern could coordinate the ongoing video guides to life in Gainesville project or the new welcoming yard sign program or take responsibility for identifying immigrant entrepreneurs and recording their oral histories or developing a new program for immediate response to hate crimes or incidents of anti-immigrant or anti-Muslim prejudice. The possibilities are limitless and we are prepared to tailor the internship to your interests and skills.
Interns will keep a journal, read works on immigration history, and write a final paper on the intersection between immigration history and the contemporary struggles of immigrants for dignity and human rights.
For questions, please contact Professor Paul Ortiz
To apply for the internship, contact Welcoming Gainesville