Welcome to Mapping US-Bound Ottoman Greek Migration. Here you will find the result of a pilot project completed between 2015 – 2017 by Dr. Yiorgo Topalidis. The outcome of this project is an interactive heat density map that traces the path of 100 migrants from the Ottoman Empire to the US between 1900 – 1924. The map features manually collected data from the Ellis Island Foundation’s Online passenger list archive. This map presents the places of birth and final destination documented by the pursers of transatlantic ships at ports of embarkation. The bright yellow shaded areas represent higher numbers of migrants being born in an Ottoman city and settling in a US city. Through this analysis, we are able to visualize the cities and regions of the US that received Ottoman Greek migrants. One important finding offered by this visualization is settlement outside of major urban areas, like Oklahoma and Montana. Click on the button below to view the result of Mapping US-Bound Ottoman Greek Migration, and don’t forget to contact us with any questions.