As we work diligently on our documentary project on the history of Institute of Black Culture and Institute of Hispanic and Latino Affairs, today we commemorate the one-year anniversary of Black and Brown Wednesday, a historical moment at the University of Florida.
On July 12, 2017, No La IBCita and their supporters, protested the proposal made by the Multicultural and Diversity Affairs Department (MCDA), to structurally merge the Institute of Black Culture (IBC) and Institute of Hispanic and Latino Cultures (IHLC), La Casita, into one building. Black and Brown Wednesday is in the spirit of the continued resistance as demonstrated by people’s movements like the national Black Campus Movements, and movements that build from that legacy.
The efforts of the No La IBCita Movement produced gains, one of which led to stopping the merging of the buildings, and in turn, stopped an action that would have resulted in the erasure of history, and the homogenization of culture. However, the movement was also successful in that it has created a lasting impact and the opportunity to continue to build from these efforts. Stay tuned this week, as we commemorate NoLaIBCita’s anniversary of Freedom Friday on July 20th, by highlighting the harvests and lasting contributions that have resulted from the movement!
Posted by Chad Adonis on Wednesday, July 12, 2017