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California, 2017

In 1904 immigrants from the island of Marmara established the first mutual aid organization from the Ottoman Empire in the United States. It was established in Los Angeles, California and was named The Marmarinon Benevolent Society of Afthoni. It was officially incorporated in 1909. According to Dr. Jim Dimitriou, “There was a big Marmarinon organization that predates it, for the whole island. The initial members were the Perati family, Achilefs Achilles, and my papou [Grk. grandfather], and the Vasileiou family.” When asked about other chapters, Dr. Dimitriou replied, “We had regular correspondence with Seattle, Washington, Tacoma, Washington, Portland, Oregon, and early on New York. It was [established] for mutual assistance of the Marmarinoi in Marmara proper. It was also a place to find jobs and a place to live for people coming from Afthoni here. After the population exchange, it became more for providing burial services for members, and a school, and library, and assistance for the Marmarinoi who were ‘prosfygoi’ [Grk. refugees] in Greece.”

A certificate, like the one donated by Mrs. Evanthia Gatsinaris, was given to members of the organization.